Saturday, December 01, 2012

December Big Fall Bass!

fished with the McCaw family today, Jeff and his two boys Cooper & Bradley are from Texas and love to fish. We had a great morning together catching good numbers of Bass. Cooper caught the big bass of the day with the last shiner in the live well. another great day of fishing with great people.
 December 27, 2012
I fished with Jerry James from Fl. and Bob Mrzwak from Indiana today. The bite was very good today although it was chilly and windy. The water temperatures are hovering in the mid 60's which has a tendency to slow the bite, especially when coupled with a full moon. We have gotten spoiled by to many 50 to 60 bass days, and consider 25 to 35 fish days as slow. A great problem to have I guess. 
December 26, 2012
 I fished with Paul kelly and his son today, it was an extremely windy day and the fishing was not as good as it should have been. Using artificial baits when you have shiners in the boat is like taking a knife to a gunfight.
December 17, 2012
I fished with Douglas Rood from Ill. today, we caught a lot of bass, and had the largest bass I have ever seen get off when she went under the boat and straightened the hook.
 December 16, 2012
I fished with Bill & Joyce Clark from Rhode Island today, it was a beautiful day and the fishing was terrific. The water is warm and the weather pattern is stable, good fishing is going to continue.
 December 15, 2012
I fished with Scott Ring and his son Jeremy today. It was their first trip to Lake Okeechobee and they hit it just right, catching bass after bass and having an all around great time.
December 14, 2012
I fished with Mary Flaitz owner of Coastal Angler Magazine (lakeland) and her friend Larry today. It was an extremely windy day which made anchoring very difficult. We had a great day of catching together.
Decmber 13, 2012
I fished with Mark Watson from Illinois and his father Jay today. Both guys are great anglers so we had a great time catching bass and swapping stories. Lake Okeechobee Bass Fishing is unparalled in the United States. 
December 11, 2012
I fished with John & Sally Woods from Vero Bch today, we had a great day together. We got rained on several times, but the bass didn't seem to mind so neither did we. Great day with great people.
December 6, 2012
I fished with Phillip Crawford and Harold from Montauk today, we had the best day of the fall, especially for numbers, we had 9 dozen shiners and they were all eaten and we were back at the ramp by 11. Lake Okeechobee is so very good, if you love to Bass fish now is the time to visit.

December 4, 2012
I fished with Mike Hamsher from Oklahoma today, this Bass is the fattest I have seen in my many years of fishing Okeechobee.
Watch this great video about Lake Okeechobee to learn about the big lake and it's history.
December 3, 2012
I fished with Tony & Danyel Chin from Coral Ridge today, we have fished together several times before and they are always fun to have in the Ranger. We caught some great bass again today, with Danyel catching the big Bass of the day. The weather was perfect today light breeze with 70 degrees temps. December is a great month for big Bass. There are several openings in my book for December, it is a great time to catch the bass of a lifetime. Give me a call and let's go fishing!
Cpt Mike 863-357-0892

December 2, 2012
Mike Hamsher from Oklahoma fished with us today, It was a great day to be on the water, calm winds, stable weather. The fish bit for us and we caught a lot of bass, aslthough we did not land any trophy sized bass today it was still a great day with good people.
December 1, 2012
November provided the kind of Bass fishing we have grown to expect, with many Big Bass and daily catch rates that were off the charts. December started out with a bang! I fished with Ray Villwock & Evan from Jupiter today. We caught bass from just after sun-up until we ran out of bait around 11am. Beside catching large numbers of Bass, we caught some giant bass too. If you are looking for that fish of a lifetime, December is a great time to catch one, many years the largest bass of the year are caught in December.